The document provides notes on the Industrial Revolution from 1700-1900 including:
1) The key factors that enabled societies to industrialize included agricultural innovations like better farming techniques and the enclosure movement, as well as the development of new technologies like textile machines, the cotton gin, and the harnessing of steam power.
2) Britain was the first to industrialize in the late 1700s/early 1800s which allowed it to become the dominant global power in the 1800s, followed by other countries like the US and Germany industrializing later.
3) New factories employing steam power mass produced goods faster than workshops and drew unemployed rural workers and farmers who lost their lands to large mechanized farms into
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092710 wh industrial revolution 50m
1. DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 09/27/10 , Topic: Industrial Revolution 2) Next line, write Opener #19 and then: 1) Write 1 high + 1 low inlast 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost < 1-5 > too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about : Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND Summary of the clip OR/AND Announcements: None
2. Agenda 1) Industrial Revolution Intro What you will be able to do: 1) What is needed for a society to industrialize? Reminder 1) FR Project Due Tu, 10/05
3. Mock Quiz 1) The enlightenment spurred all of the following EXCEPT a) Increase in active religious membership b) Increase in demands for political power c) Increase in science and innovation 2) French Revolution changed Europe in all of the following ways EXCEPT a) Increased nationalism with in other countries b) Created demands for political power c) Slowed down economic development in Europe
4. Notes #19a , Title: Industrial Revolution 1) Industrial Revolution (1: 1700, 2:1900, some 2010): Change from human produced goods to machine produced goods, biggest change in human life. Those who industrialize 1st will and still lead the world .
5. 1600-1700: Enlightenment 1776-1848: Political Rev. 1798-1914: Nationalism Imperialism 1700-1900: Ind. Rev. 1 (Factories+Coal/Steam) 1900-X: Ind. Rev. 2 (Corporations+Oil/Electricity) Timeline up to now:
6. Notes #19a , Title: Industrial Revolution 2) Industrializations Benefits : Faster production (more weapons), faster movement (broader war power) BUT also means need more ppl to buy products: need new lands-matierals + consumers.
7. Notes #19a , Title: Industrial Revolution 3) British Empire, Pax Britannica (1815-1914) : 1 st to industrialize, it will lead the 1800-1900. England > US > Germany (Russia last in Europe 1928, Japan first in Asia 1872, China last in Asia, 1958)
8. Notes #19a , Title: Industrial Revolution 4) Agricultural Revolution (1500-1700) : a) Enlightenment : help farmers share ideas (farm journals) lead to: better soil care, machines, selective breeding b) 1800s Food Explosion : chemical fertilizers + powered machines. c) Enclosure : Machines produce more with less ppl, but cost more, rich famers buy out poor , create large farms d) Population Boom : Extra food leads pop to grow = cheap labor e) Unemployed : More births + poor farmers with no land draw them to the cities (where new factories have jobs).
9. Notes #19a , Title: Ind Rev 5) Rise of Factories a) Textile Machines (1700s) : flying shuttle (fabric) > spinning jenny (produce yarn) > cotton gin (comb cotton) > up cotton demand Factories run on river power (1750), > steam (1850), > electric (1900). b) Death of Workshops : Factories only ones who can afford to new tech. c) Steam Power : James Watt perfects use of coal=steam to run all kinds machines.
10. 212B.C. the Ancient Greeks had knowledge of steam power and mechanical knowhow (below a Ancient Greek Clock). They lacked vision. Imagine if the Industrial Rev started then?
11. Journ #19a , Title Ind Rev Steam Power 1) Copy Source Title: BBC 2) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections